Friday, April 20, 2012

Yogurt Parfaits

Okay so I'm a little bit of a slacker, and I don't have pictures for this, and I definitely stole it from Kerri. She and I decided that since she'll be a part of our sister group soon, we can combine on our day.

Kerri made these for us for breakfast and they were delicious, fast, and nutritious - 3 of my favorite things!

Plain yogurt (to taste)
1 crunchy granola bar (we used Nature Valley)
1 chewy granola bar (I now use the Great value chewy bar)
Assorted berries (as desired)

All you need to do is crunch/crush up the granola bars, and add all the ingredients. That's it! It's the perfect breakfast for a college student on the go, or for you Mom's who don't always have time to whip up a culinary masterpiece first thing in the morning.

Bon appetite!

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